After a year of solid scribbling, I have decided to take a tiny break to do something different.
I spend a lot of time writing in coffee shops and observing life and people. There's nothing as interesting, to me, than other people and how they behave.
I decided that I would put together some of my poetry, and write some new poems too, on the theme of "Modern Life". I've asked my Twitter followers to suggest subjects within this theme for me to write about, and have had excellent responses. It's not too late to pass your suggestions on to me though! Just comment here or send a tweet to @jerowney. Just don't suggest Twitter as a subject. I've had that!
If I choose your suggestion, I will credit you in the book - by your @ name, so if you're making a suggestion in the comments here, please add that or you will be "anonymous".
Get involved! Jx